FlowmetersBasic Unit
Compact and mobile mounting of all components, car made of stainless steel.

Key Features
- Measurement in liters, m³, etc.
- Bidirectional measuring
- Instantaneous value of flow
- Two totalizers (Flowmeter and Pre-Selector)
- Linear measuring or pre - selection of quantities to be measured.
- In the case of pre - selection of a quantity turns on / off the unit racking (through three-phase outlet installed in the unit).
- Automatic compensation of temperature and air bubbles
- Signalling all operations
/* Limpa a altura do estilo anterior. clear pode ser: left (limpar se o estilo anterior estiver a esquerda), rigth (direita), both (ambos). */ ?>
© 2008, Compinox - Indústria de Inoxidáveis, Lda.